Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tuck's "Halloween Party Special" Saturday Night!

Saturday Night Oct 27th, the doors open around 7-ish and kicks on by 9pm Eastern. As we have an open hose for the TedWeb:5000 a new stream that is part of the PCU collective.
It'll be only at 16kbps, but chalk full of trippy audio and seasonal teats!
Tedweb:5000 will soon be home of the RevoluTUCK LIVE, and prank call podcast of the same name.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

RevoluTuck LIVE!


The PCU network is now the home for RevoluTuck LIVE!, with a big thanks to Ted at for allowing me to use the server I like to call "Tedwwweb 5000"! Here is the direct link to the shoutcast stream itself.
It plays on your WinAmp or your iTunes and my shows will broadcast at 16kbps.

It's going to be more of a deejay type format for awhile, no live phone calls for the time being.. I'm still getting the bugs figgured out. Yet I can promise you alot of fun, Comedy, nostalgic memory jarring, trippy visuals for your ears, strange cool music!
I have no set schedule yet, I might do some broadcasting durring the day and help bring the UK crowd in.