Friday, November 21, 2008

For those coming from Blogger

Hi all. I'm going to keep this "Tuck is Love" blog as more of a "nuts and bolts" kind of journal of work in progress and sketch book stuff and web comic storyborards that won't take up as much room as "RevoluTuck". That is my more polished blog now and it's more then the art.

(Above.) Is a WIP of a new cover that I'm reworking of one of my own properties "Starla Dust". I am getting more into developing my skill in cartooning and animation style drawing.
I've been doing this for a few decades, but going to the blogs like John K and Eddie Fitzgerald, has really switched a light bulb on. A very "AH HAH!" kind of moment, if you will.

A few basic things about me.

I live 80 miles outside of Memphis, Tennessee on a cotton farm that is an ancestral home for 5 generations. I've done countless illustrations and designs for local clients, as-well-as international. The most recent and best known would be Muck Sticky. You could say I'm unofficially his "Official Artist".

(the crazy thing is off camera he actually wears 3 piece suits, speaks in a British accent and the weed, that he smokes, is actually a prop........ shhhhhhhhhhhhh! )

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